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'Barefoot' in a superb setting

IN THE beautiful surroundings of Stanford Hall last Thursday, a packed audience was treated to the Falcon Players' latest production, "Barefoot in the Park" by Neil Simon.

The play follows the course of newly-weds, Paul and Corrie Bratter during their first two weeks of marriage in their new apartment five flights up, a location which causes all characters except Corrie, well played by Sally Hague, much physical Exertion.

Paul Hague gave a very good performance as the husband, winding up a very convincing drunk.

Corrie's match-making antics gave rise to some very funny scenes involving her seemingly straight-laced mother and the cosmopolitan man upstairs, Victor Velasco. Janet Holmes brought sympathy and humour to the part of Corrie's mother.

The set and costumes were well designed and Sally Hague and audience had a most enjoyable evening: including coffee and biscuits

- C.E.